Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Spring is here?

Last Sunday morning we awoke to snow.  It had poured rain the night before (you know it's heavy rain when it can awake a Northwesterner from a full sleep), but dropped enough in temperature to turn to a good dusting of the white stuff by the morning.  This was only shocking because nearly all of the winter's snow had already melted away.  Even the yellow glacier lilies were popping up left and right as they usually do following each year's snow melt, and hopefully the morel mushrooms (a choice edible found near these parts) will be soon to follow.  Spring just seems to always have a mixed bag of weather in store for us around here to always keep us guessing, and this is why we dress in layers!  (I believe I had no less than five this day.)   

Luckily our construction focus last weekend found us indoors instead of out.  We can hardly believe that there is less than 3 months until our grand opening, but thankfully we are mostly down to the finishing details, (but oh how time consuming those last details can be!)

Bob sealed the flooring from the weekend before, and the color is really looking great with the desired "wet look."  We wanted to bring out those warm tones in the floor even more, so we decided to paint two focal walls of the tasting room.  The color is 'Copper Mountain' (appropriately named), and it just made the space so much more inviting.  The tasting room will certainly have that warm and cozy feeling that is needed for those cold winter days in Plain (or cold Spring days in this case).

Morgan gets the high spots!
(he has that 6'7" height advantage)

While Morgan and Roxanne painted the tasting room, Bob and I worked on moulding and window trim.  This is a tedious, time consuming job, but the finished look is completely worth the effort.  A lot of math and tricky cuts were involved; a good motto to go by doing this kind of work is measure twice, cut once.  The window trim has a contemporary Northwest feel to it, and the dark stain of the wood complements the room nicely.

By the time we had wrapped up our work on Sunday afternoon, the snow had already melted, and the sun was smiling down on us.  The warm sun on our faces felt good, and a sense of accomplishment felt even better.

you can also visit us on our website

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